Optimising your video for social media is key for enabling your audience to see your video – this can materialise from how your video is presenting aesthetically on the feed to using appropriate tags and alt-text to gain further reach.

Social media sizes seem to be changing constantly – one day your cover image may fit perfectly, the next it’s been resized and now looks pixelated. When this occurs, trying to find the necessary information to keep on top of these changes is incredibly hard to come by.

We recommend checking out this Hootsuite article for advice on the ever changing social media dimensions.

What is social media aspect ratio?

The predominantly-mobile social network is perfect to share videos of any size organically to reach your audience. Video Guidelines. Minimum resolution for all formats is 1080×1080. Multiple aspect ratios are supported: Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9, square aspect ratio is 1:1, vertical aspect ratio is 4:5. (source from google

Using Facebook cover photos as an example, the aspect ratio differs from mobile to desktop – the best and easiest way to adapt to this is beginning with a 16:9  aspect ratio horizontal image and prepare for the need to crop the top and bottom. We recommend keeping important elements such as text in the forefront of the image to allow these key features to remain in frame.

(following copy from source.)

Social media image aspect ratio, simplified

From most horizontal to most vertical, here are the aspect ratios and suggested sizes that work across social media. Some shapes work across several platforms: asterisked* means it’s the preferred shape on that platform.

1.91:1 ratio 

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter links shares*: 1200 x 628 pixels

Instagram and Twitter photo posts: 1200 x 628 works here as well

16:9 ratio 

Twitter photos*, Facebook photos: 1200 x 675 pixels

Facebook cover photos (allow for cropping top and bottom!): 1200 x 675 pixels or larger

YouTube channel art*: 2560 x 1440

YouTube video thumbnails*: 1280 x 720

1:1 ratio (square)

Instagram photos*, Facebook photos: 1200 x 1200 pixels

Pinterest Pins (repurpose from Instagram)

All profile pictures* (allow cropping to circle): 500 x 500

YouTube channel icon*: 800 x 800

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