Are you a B2B marketer with targets to hit, but feel like you’re missing out on certain strategies? Perhaps you’re already creating video content but not seeing the results you want, or maybe you’re still considering the potential of video.

Some of you may be ignoring the importance of video marketing. To those, I say: don’t ignore it. I know this might sound biased, given this article is written by a video production company with over 10 years of experience, particularly in B2B marketing. However, it’s our experience that qualifies us to discuss this topic, having witnessed the growing demand for video content first-hand.

In fact, the State of Content Marketing 2023 Global Report tells us that “45% of B2B marketers cite video as the most effective medium.”

In this article, we’ll explore the shift to a video-centric world and guide how to get started with video marketing.

Key Takeaways

  • Why the shift to video, and how to use it effectively?
  • Overcoming challenges in video marketing
  • How to get started

Why the Shift to Video and How to Use It as a Marketing Tool

We could talk about shrinking attention spans, but you can read more about that in our article, Short-Form Video Content: A Long-Term Strategy for Success, to better understand the power of short-form video content.

In the context of B2B marketing, the shift to video is driven by the fast-paced, modern business environment. Decision-makers simply don’t have the time or patience for dense, heavy text. This is where video comes into play. According to Bain & Company, decision-makers increasingly prefer concise, visually engaging content.

Moreover, B2B content often struggles with engagement due to its traditionally dry nature. Video can overcome this challenge by delivering content in a memorable, visual way—appealing to the fact that we are visual learners.

Market research suggests companies are investing more in video marketing than ever before. A recent Statista study highlighted significant growth in this area.

A 4-Year Study Into The Rise Of Online Video Advertising Spending

The takeaway? Video advertising continues to grow. While we’re not suggesting you invest billions, starting small and scaling over time is a smart approach. We recommend starting with the device you’re reading this on—a smartphone is more than enough to begin producing content.

If you’re unsure where to begin, our Video Marketing Masterclass is a great place to learn the fundamentals and get your video strategy on the right track.

Overcoming Challenges in Video Marketing

At this point, you may be feeling inspired, but perhaps also overwhelmed. Maybe you’re already doubting your ability to create engaging B2B video content. As a company with over a decade of experience in video production, we understand these challenges—but don’t worry, we’re here to help.

If the challenges you face aren’t listed below, feel free to reach out to our marketing manager, Ahmed Essat, on LinkedIn. He’ll be happy to assist!

High Production Costs

Video marketing can be costly. 17% of marketers cite tight budgets as the reason they avoid video altogether. However, you wouldn’t jump into any marketing activity without planning. The same goes for video—you can learn, scale, and measure your efforts within your budget.

While professional, high-quality videos are ideal, not every project requires a massive budget. Short-form, user-generated video content can be a cost-effective alternative. We discuss this further in this article.

As a rule of thumb, allocate 10% of your annual revenue to marketing, and of that, 20% to video production. Tracking ROI and adjusting the budget along the way is key to success.

Content Strategy and Development

Crafting the right topic, script, and approach can be daunting. Start with a clear goal: Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or educate your audience?

Short-form videos can help kickstart your strategy, offering high engagement, quick turnaround times, and ease of creation. Simple ideas like reacting to viral content or overlaying text onto meme videos can provide a light-hearted, yet relevant, entry into video marketing.

Balancing Internal and External Projects

As a marketer, you might want to manage everything in-house. However, some aspects—like complex video production—are better left to experts.

You understand your business’s core values and vision, so focus on that, while allowing video production specialists to handle the technical aspects.

How to Get Started with Video Marketing

Everyone’s video marketing journey is different. Some of you may already know how you’ll use video, while others may need more information. Wherever you are on your journey, it’s okay—just start!

For motivation, think about your favourite content creators. Look at their early work—it’s probably not as polished as what they create now. Remember, this is a process, and we’re here to support you along the way.

Our team has worked with hundreds of companies, helping them with video marketing strategies. Why not book a free consultation with us and let’s get started on your video marketing journey?

Need video production?

Speak to one of our video experts!
