Get This Course To Dominate Video in 2024
Become a video marketing inhouse powerhouse in a week with our new course
Your social media feed is nothing like it was 18 months ago.
TikTok has changed the way we consume content, and social media platforms are in an arms race. They are fighting for your attention, and using video to do it.
We’ve seen it first hand with our clients across Construction, Healthcare and Education.
It is now the norm to post videos on Twitter or Linkedin.
Instagram and Facebook have been overtaken by reels.
Video is everywhere. As a result, there is a greater pressure on brands to create video content inhouse, as well as using video production companies like us at Shoot Business.
That’s why we’ve created a 6-part interactive course ‘Video Unleashed for Marketers’. It less than a week to complete.
We originally planned to charge £500 for this, but decided to give it away free to celebrate the launch of our weekly newsletter ‘Video bites’.
Written by Nomi Farooq - 10 year+ video marketing professional. He’s produced videos for the likes of NHS and Pfizer.
"After the week of training, I literally feel like I feel like I have endless ideas and the knowledge to create some high-level stuff for my brand”
Nathan Jacobs, Renecopy.
This course is perfect for inhouse teams and marketers that want a complete system to create, film and share video content in a short amount of time.
We give you the blueprint to create world-class videos with whatever resources you have available right now. Don’t wait to hire professionals to start producing great video content.
We give students the chance to ask questions, as we guide you on every step to plan out and execute your video marketing strategy .